Monday, February 14, 2011


I had a free round trip plane ticket that was going to expire this week so I flew down to Orange County yesterday to drive the Ortega Highway.

I flew out of Oakland.  Of the Bay Area airports, this is by far the most convenient and least crowded.

Here is a huge billboard that has puzzled me for months.  It's on the side of a hangar and the angle is such that only those in the employee parking lot has a decent view of it.  Now the DC Metro is known for domestic and international policy advertising.  But this joint strike fighter engine debate ad in an obscure corner of Oakland Airport is a monumental waste of money.  Ironic that this is put out by Citizens Against Government Waste.

Speaking of wasteful signs.

It takes about 65 minutes to fly down to Orange County's John Wayne Airport.

Yup.  The airport is named after the Duke, who lived nearby.  In fact, during driver's education, our teacher would have us drive a loop between our high school and the John Wayne estate.  It was an interesting place to be raised.  Our high school's proms were held at the Nixon Presidential Library.  Wacky!

Finally, John Wayne Airport was used as a backdrop for the Bogota Airport in Harrison Ford's Clear And Present Danger.  The alley ambush involving the white Suburbans is one of my favorite action scenes ever.

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